We are online bridal marketplace connecting buyers and sellers of new, sample and used wedding dresses and more!
Create your account
If you have any wedding related products such as wedding dress, traditional dress, bridesmaids dress, accessories and etc. that you would like to sell on the market, start creating your account! Then you will receive an email for instructions.

To become a seller at vickyc5, we charge one time listing fee per item. There is never any other charges or any commission on the sale.

Stress free. We upload it for you
Once you have completed all the steps and payment, we will upload your product for you!
Terms and Conditions

A buyer will email you directly. Respond to all inquiries. Agree on terms of buyer and send an invoice for payment. Pack and ship your item after you receive funds from the buyer. Then make sure you to let update us once the item is sold
Shopping is fun! online shopping makes it even easier with the ability to browse dresses or wedding items to your heart’s content with afforadble price with Vickyc5!